50 Productive things you can do at home during Corona Pandemic

Hi guys !!!!! Welcome back 

      🎯Since the Corona pandemic most of our lives is very much stagnated and many of us are living indoors for a long time. It's very likely to get bored and frustrated which will eventually increase our stress levels. If left unattended it may lead to very serious health problems. 

       ðŸŽ¯I know this because I have experienced it myself these days. And I was able to move out of this boredom and stress by practicing few simple things and it really helped me a lot. And I want to share these tips with you guys. 

      🎯Here are the 50 things that you can do at home and increase your knowledge and productivity and reduce stress at the same time. 
So Are you ready to find out ?? Let's dive in!!!! 

1. Read books 

2. Learn a new language

3. Improve your communication skills

4. Learn cooking and baking

5. Make Diy Projects

6. Write a story or a book

7. Start a blog and share your thoughts and expertise

8. Spend quality time with family

9. Prepare your own mask

10. Learn photography

11. Learn new programming language

12. Learn to play an instrument

13. Start an online course

14. Learn business skills

15. Start an exercise routine

16. Do Meditation

17. Start a diet plan 

18. Learn from online courses

19. Deep Clean your house

20. Organise your cupboards

21. Start a YouTube channel

22. Watch and learn from YouTube videos

23. Watch documentaries

24. Watch a Ted Talk

25. Listen to your favorite music

26. Build a new hobby 

27. Learn about Art online

28. Start a Podcast

29. Listen to Podcasts

30. Play board games

31. Update your resume

32. If you are Student learn for your exams

33. Clear up your inbox and organise your emails

34. Organise your phone - delete unwanted stuff

35. Write letters of appreciation

36. Call up your old friends 

37. Learn to dance

38. Learn to sing

39. Learn more about something you like and that interests you

40. Enjoy some "ME" Time

41. Write a Journal

42. Take up a challenge

43. Learn new job skills

44. Start or plan for a new Business

45. Create a list of things that make you happy

46. Improve your handlettering

47. Create a scrapbook

48. Create a vision board

49. Change one bad habit

50. Do a self reflection 

🎯What is your favorite out of these ?? Let me know in comments section

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🎯I will be back with another interesting topic soon. Until then Stay home, Stay Safe and Keep reading. 

Good bye

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